Let's Duel! 7 WONDERS DUEL

7Wonders Duel

2 Players

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In 7 Wonders Duel, each player is leading a civilization 
and will construct Buildings and Wonders. 

All of the Buildings constructed by 
a player together with their Wonders are called a “city”.

A game plays out over 3 Ages, each Age using one of the 3 decks of cards 
(first the cards from Age I, then Age II, and finally Age III). 
Each Age card represents a Building.

These Ages are played out in a similar fashion, 
with each player having the chance to play approximately 
10 cards per Age to earn coins, strengthen their armies,
make scientific discoveries, and develop their city.

In 7 Wonders Duel, there are 3 ways to claim victory: military supremacy, 
scientific supremacy, and civilian victory.

Military and scientific victories can happen 
at any time and end the game immediately. 

If, by the end of the third Age, no one has yet won the game,
the players add up their victory points, 
and the player with the highest score is declared the winner.


1. Place the board between the two players on one side of the play area.
2. Place the conflict pawn on the neutral space in the middle of the board.
3. Place the 4 Military tokens face up, on their spaces.
4. Shuffle the Progress tokens and place 5 of them randomly, 
face up, on the board. Return the rest to the box.
5. Each player takes 7 coins from the Bank.

Wonders Selection Phase

• Choose a first player
• Shuffle the 12 Wonders tiles
• Place 4 random Wonders, face up, between the two players
• The first player chooses 1 Wonder
• The second player chooses 2 Wonders
• The first player takes the remaining Wonder
• Place 4 more Wonders and repeat the selection, but this time, 
start with the second player.
Once this step is complete, each player will have 4 Wonders for the game, 
which they place in a column, to the left of their play area.

For your first game, ignore the Wonders Selection phase and take
the following Wonders tiles:

Player 1:
• the Pyramids
• the Great Lighthouse
• the Temple of Artemis
• the Statue of Zeus

Player 2:
• Circus Maximus
• Piraeus
• the Appian Way
• the Colossus

One deck per Age

Return to the box, without looking at them, 3 cards from each Age deck.

Then randomly draw 3 Guild cards and add them 
to the Age III deck without looking at them. 

Return the remaining Guilds to the box.


Throughout the game, you will construct Buildings and Wonders. 

Most of the Buildings have a resource cost.

Some are free and others have a coin cost. Finally,
some have a resource cost but also a free construction condition. 

The Wonders all have a resource cost.

Free Construction

Some cards have no cost and can be put into play for free.
Example: The construction of the Lumber Yard is free.

Resource Cost

Some cards have a resource cost.
To construct them, you must produce the corresponding resources 
AND/OR buy them from the bank via the trading rules.


A city’s resources are produced by its brown cards, its grey cards, 
some yellow cards, and some Wonders.

If you have in your city all of the resources indicated on the Building, 
then you can construct that Building.

Important: resources aren’t spent during construction. 
They can be used each turn, for the entire game. 
Unless there’s an exception, a city’s production is never reduced.


Often, you will want to construct a Building 
while you’re missing one or more required resources. 

In that case, you can always purchase 
the missing resources from the bank. 

The cost of each missing resource varies over the course 
of the game. It is calculated as follows:

COST = 2 + number of symbols of the same resources produced by the
brown and grey cards of the opposing city

• Note that the purchasing cost is calculated according to the resources present
in your opponent’s city, but the purchases are paid to the bank.
• There is no limit to the number of resources you may purchase on your turn.
• The resources produced by yellow cards and by Wonders aren’t factored into
trading costs.
• Some commercial Buildings (yellow cards) change the trading rules and set the
cost of some resources to 1 coin.

Cost in coins

Some cards have a cost in coins, 
which must then be paid to the bank when they are constructed.

Cost in coins and in resources

Some cards have a cost in coins and in resources. 

To build these cards, you must pay the coin cost to the bank 
and must either produce the resources, or get them through trading.

Free construction condition (chains)

Some Buildings grant a chain symbol (white).

Some Buildings in Ages II and III contain, under their resource cost, 
a white symbol linked to a Building from a previous Age.

If you have the Building containing this symbol in your city, 
you can construct the new one for free.

A game begins in Age I, continues in Age II, and ends with Age III. 

In case of a supremacy victory (either military or scientific), 
the game ends immediately.

Overview of an Age

Preparation of the structure
At the beginning of each Age, shuffle the corresponding deck, 
then display the 20 cards according 
to the structure of the current Age 
(see Game Aid on the last page of this rulebook). 

Be careful, some cards are displayed face up, while others should be face down.

Game Turn
In 7 Wonders Duel, the players each play in turn.

The first player begins Age I.

On your turn, you must choose an “accessible” card 
in the card structure and play it. 

An accessible card is a card which isn’t partially covered by other cards. 

You can play the card you’ve chosen in one of three different ways:
• 1. Construct the Building
• 2. Discard the card to obtain coins
• 3. Construct a Wonder

After having played your card, you must reveal any cards 
which may have been hidden and which are now accessible

• Some Wonders allow you to play again. You start your new turn after having
revealed the newly accessible cards.

• If a player has a replay effect that would allow them to take another turn at the
end of an Age (when the structure is empty), the effect is lost.

1. Construct a Building
To construct a Building, you pay the cost 
of the Building and place it in front of yourself. 

This Building now belongs to your city.

As the game progresses, sort your Buildings 
by color in order  to help you read your city

2. Discard to obtain coins
You discard the card and take 2 coins + 1 coin per yellow card 
in your city from the bank. 

The money is added to your city’s treasury.

The discarded cards are placed face-down next to the board. 

Players are free to consult the discard pile at any point.

3. Construct a Wonder
You pay the cost of the Wonder (not the one of the Age card), 
then place your Age card face down partially covered 
by the Wonder card which is being constructed.

The used card has no effect, it is simply used 
to show that the Wonder has been built.

7 Wonders, not one more!
Only 7 Wonders may be built over the course of the game. 

As soon as either player constructs the game’s 7th Wonder, 
the last Wonder, which has not yet
been built, is immediately returned to the box.

Example: Antoine has just constructed the Colossus. 

7 Wonders have been built during the game (4 by Bruno, 3 by Antoine). 

Antoine returns the Pyramids to the box.

An Age ends when all 20 cards from the structure have been played.

Prepare the next Age’s structure.

The player with the weakest military chooses which player begins the next Age.

A player has a weaker military if the Conflict pawn is on their side of the board.

In a situation where the pawn is in the middle of the board, 
the player who begins the next Age is the last active player 
(meaning whoever played the last card of the previous Age).

Each shield represented on the military Buildings (red cards) or 
Wonders allows its owner to immediately 
move the Conflict pawn one space in the direction of the opposing capital. 

The Conflict pawn is therefore likely 
to move back and forth on the track.

When the Conflict pawn enters a zone (defined by dotted lines), the active
player applies the effect of the corresponding token, then returns it to the box.

Example: Antoine constructs the Archery Range, 
a military Building which has 2 Shields. 

He immediately moves the Conflict pawn two spaces towards 
the opposing capital. 

As he enters in a new zone, he applies the Military token, Bruno discards
2 coins, and then the token is returned to the box.

Military Supremacy
If the Conflict pawn enters the space of your opponent’s capital, you immediately
win the game via military supremacy.

There are 7 different scientific symbols in the game.

Each time you gather a pair of identical scientific symbols, you may immediately
choose one of the Progress tokens on the game board. 

That token will be kept in your city until the end of the game.

Clarification: the scientific symbols are found on the scientific Buildings 
(green cards) and on a Progress token.

Scientific Supremacy
If you gather 6 different scientific symbols, you immediately win the game.

A game ends immediately in the case of a military supremacy, 
a scientific supremacy, or at the end of Age III.

Civilian Victory
If no player has won a victory through supremacy before the end of Age III, the
player who has the most victory points wins the game.

To determine your total, add:
• Your military victory points (0, 2, 5, or 10 depending on the position of 
the Conflict pawn).
• Victory points from your Buildings (blue,green,yellow, and purple cards).
• Victory points from your Wonders.
• Your victory points from Progress.
• Your city’s treasury: each complete set of 3 coins is worth 1 point.
In the case where both players are tied, the player who has the most victory
points from their Civilian Buildings (blue cards) wins the game. If this is also a
tie, then both players share their victory.

Note: a scorebook is present in the box to help you total your points, or keep a
record of your memorable games!

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