I prefer Hawaiian pizza to cheese pizza! TACO CAT GOAT CHEESE PIZZA


Taco Cat Goat
Cheese Pizza

2 - 8 players

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Get rid of all your cards

and be the FIRST

to slap your hand on the Central Pile

of cards when  you see

a Match or a Special Card appears.


- 64 cards

<Set Up>

Shuffle and then distribute

all the cards evenly amongst players,

face down

(leftover cards are

placed back in the box).

For a 2, 3, 4 or 5 player game,

each player is only dealt

12 cards randomly.

Players must not look at

their cards while placing them

in a draw pile in front of them, face down.

<Game Progress>

The person to the dealer’s left 

puts a card into the center,

face-up, saying “Taco”.

The player on their left then

puts their card face-up on top

of the previous card, while saying “Cat”.

Play continues in this way 

(going “Taco”, “Cat”, “Goat”, “Cheese”, “Pizza”,

“Taco”, “Cat”, “Goat”, “Cheese”, “Pizza”... etc)

until the following happens :

The card that has just been put down

matches the word spoken by the player

(e.g., they put down a ‘Pizza’ while saying “Pizza”).

At this point, all the players must SLAP 

their hands on top of the pile of cards

in the center, and the LAST player

to do so takes the entire Central Pile,

and puts the cards on

the bottom of their Draw Pile.

Then that last player starts off

the next round saying “Taco”,

the next player, “Cat” next “Goat”... etc.

In Addition

: When a player has used all their cards,

they continue to say 

“Taco”, “Cat”, “Goat”, ... etc. in turn,

and still have to SLAP the pile

when a match occurs or

if a special card appears.


: If any player slaps incorrectly, 

or even starts to but

jerks their hand back (“flinches“)

they forfeit the round and pick up

all the cards in the center.


: You have to keep a steady

fast rhythm to the game.

If you break it by forgetting

what you’re supposed to be saying

or by not noticing it’s your turn,

you have to pick up the cards.

No Peeking

: All Players must put cards into the pile

by flipping them over facing outward.

If a player clearly looks at their card

before placing it into the pile,

they forfeit the round and pick up

all the cards in the center.

Special Cards

: All players must complete

the actions below immediately

when a special card is revealed,

and then SLAP the pile.

If a player carries out the wrong action

or is the last to SLAP the pile,

they must pick up all the cards.

- Gorilla : All players beat their chest.

- Groundhog : Knock on the table with both hands.

- Narwhal : Slap their hands

above their head to form a horn.

<How to Finish the Game>

The game ends when a player

with no remaining cards is the FIRST

to correctly SLAP a match or special card!

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